August 8, 2024

Developing a Vision and Values Driven Brand

How many times have you interacted with a company and had such a challenging experience that it drove you to their website to read up on their actual mission / vision statements or have a closer look at their values which they “should” stand for? How often do you read “core values” and think to yourself that companies simply choose big words, but fail to hold themselves accountable to their own values?

Clarity and purpose are not just beneficial – they’re essential. At OpusDNS, we believe in a mission and vision that go beyond traditional corporate jargon. We’re a startup with a fresh perspective, and we’re starting with a single, clear statement that encapsulates both our mission and vision. This isn’t about wordplay or corporate buzzwords; it’s about crafting meaning that resonates deeply with our team and customers.

Why approach this differently? Because we’ve seen how easily mission and vision statements can become empty promises, tucked away in a company handbook or displayed on a wall, rarely revisited. At OpusDNS, we want something different – something actionable, something alive. Our guiding principles are meant to be a constant touchstone, a reference point that our team can return to whenever they need direction or inspiration.

Our Vision

To lead the wholesale segment of the domain industry by providing unparalleled customer care paired with the most innovative, user-focused platform.

The Importance of Values

In addition to our unified mission and vision statement, we’ve identified three core values – behaviours – that define who we are and how we operate. These are not just lofty ideals, they are the behaviours that drive our decisions, shape our interactions, and define our culture. They are designed to be practical, guiding principles that our team can rely on daily, ensuring that we remain aligned with our purpose and true to our ethos.

As we continue to grow and evolve, these guiding principles will remain at the heart of everything we do. They are not just words, they are the foundation upon which OpusDNS is built, a foundation that supports us as we navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead.

It was extremely important for both Hakan and I that we discuss our values / behavioural guidelines extensively with our team and solicit their feedback as well as get their agreed consensus. All of us, at OpusDNS, are industry veterans with tremendous experience running and operating companies. Each company was different than the other and each company had a different set of values they operated under. So while it’s great that we all had this background, it was extremely important to define this uniquely for OpusDNS – for our present, for our future, for our team, and for our partners.

Hakan and I are both happy with our core values by which we will drive OpusDNS to become a significant player in our domain wholesale industry. Any employee who joins OpusDNS can hold us personally accountable to operate under these values, as we, in turn, will hold our teams accountable to embrace and be the shining examples of them.

And with that, here’s what we will be holding ourselves accountable to:

Our Values (Behavior Guides)

  1. Honor Our Commitments
    We uphold integrity and honesty in everything we do. We deliver on our promises, ensuring that trust is the foundation of all our relationships both internally and externally. Accountability is central to our approach, ensuring that every decision and action is met with ownership and responsibility.
  2. Embody Passion
    We are passionate about our work, believing that true passion drives exceptional experiences for our customers and colleagues alike. We empower every team member to make decisions, embrace challenges, and contribute their voice, knowing that mistakes are opportunities for growth. Our commitment to passion and empowerment extends to our customers, providing them with the tools and support they need to excel in managing their digital assets and delivering outstanding service.
  3. Driven by Purpose
    We make decisions with purpose, guided by a deep empathy for our customers and teams. By putting ourselves in their shoes, we strive to exceed expectations while valuing the time and attention of everyone we interact with. We consistently raise the bar, communicating clearly and with kindness, ensuring that every exchange is genuine, respectful, and considerate—no fluff, just meaningful connections built on mutual understanding and respect.

Final Thoughts

In doing the work to get to these articulated values, I’m reminded how important it is to invest this kind of time and make these personal commitments – and to voice them so we can be held accountable in the public space. At the end of the day, it’s about being able to look ourselves in the mirror and know we did right by our team members, clients, partners, and ultimately our own conscience.

I challenge you read your company’s Mission/Vision statements along with their core values they promote and then ask yourself:

  1. If you understand the Mission/Vision statement and if you identify with it;
  2. When reviewing the core values, if you see your company operating under these core values . Does your leadership and management team lead by example or have these values simply become meaningless?

At OpusDNS, we look forward to being held accountable to our Vision and Values.

Author: Robbie Birkner, CEO

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